Sunday, December 26, 2010

~ Zhill Mn ~

~ Look at him...! He is an athlete (Pencak Silat) but since fasting month over, he didn't do much of training anymore. He slept and ate always.... On the other hand, he fill up his time with his new gadget : taking photos. ~


zhill Mn said...

owh nooo~ you posted my photos... kedapatan tia.. tau tia orang~ nda apa yg penting body di atas still tough! haha. sorry for this time nda rajin exercise. January 2011 i'll start my workout... now merajinkan diri ngambil gambar saja.. anyway thanks for the posted......

Ty Liza said...

hee sorry Zhill.. i posted ur pic here... sajaaa... ok jua i post it, so ppl know :)... yap ur body still look tough... but a bit gemuk whhooppss hee...
oraitz... mbh i want to see nanti starting early 2011, ur 'fats' is gone :)... owh ada new activity rupanya.. snap2 ah gud2 :).. keep it up :)